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Entrepreneurship within
Companies and Organizations
"Management by Opportunity"
stimulates intrapreneurial attitudes and behaviors. |
"Management by Opportunity"?
Innovation is recognized as a key driver
for corporate growth and career development. Trouble
is, sources for innovation are often overlooked, under
analyzed or misunderstood. Technical innovation often
overshadows non-tech solutions, which can actually deliver
faster results with fewer resources.
Business plans often collapse into failure because
the underlying opportunities they are trying to seize
have not been properly analyzed.
The novel "Management by Opportunity" approach
provides the missing link that will support "intraprises",
which are created when innovation (a new service, process,
product, management tool, etc.) is implemented, be it
within profit or non-profit organizations. Entrepreneurial
behavior in a medium or large organization ("intrapreneurship")
contributes to its development while boosting the career
of those individuals who choose to become intrapreneurs.
Through action learning and by using an actual business
opportunity, participants learn how to manage and stimulate
innovation. This “best practice” seminar
shows how and why multinationals, banks, startups as
well as non-profit and public sector organizations have
adopted "Innovation by Opportunity" to stimulate
The "Innovation by Opportunity" step-by-step
toolbox, at the core of "Management by Opportunity"
helps entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs identify and turn
an opportunity into a feasible plan of action, or realize
that it is not worth pursuing. Validating the feasibility
and potential of each project is a prerequisite to any
business initiative for both intrapreneurs and their
At the end of the
seminar you will be able to:
- Create the right climate and environment to seize
business opportunities
- Manage innovation according to a standard process
throughout the organization
- Encourage initiatives aligned with the objectives
and constraints of the organization
- Promote innovation of products, services or management
approaches, in line with corporate strategy (empowerment)
- Use the tools to turn an idea into a feasible and
validated action plan
- Stimulate the motivation and engagement of the
employees (retention of the star performers)
- Reduce the “silo” attitude and promote
cross-boundaries activities and cooperation
- Turn executives into « change agents »
- Decrease the resistance to change
Impact of "Management
by Opportunity"
- Promotes initiative within the objectives and constraints
of the organization
- Encourages innovation (products, services as well
as management techniques)
in line with the overall strategy
- Empowers executives with real tools to turn their
ideas into action
- Stimulates staff motivation and effectiveness
- Turns executives into change agents
- Reduces resistance to change
- Boosts project management
Who Should Attend
- Executives and managers who want
to contribute to their organizations and give a boost
to their career by showing what they are capable of
through innovation and intrapreneurial behavior
- Innovators, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs
who want to present their project to investors or
their superiors in a more convincing manner
- Marketing, R&D as well as business
development experts who want to use a structured
model to supervise and assess projects at the “ideation”
- Anyone who wants to increase the chances
of success of an existing or future project
- Senior management as well as board members
who want to monitor innovation as well as encourage
employees to innovate.
- During the workshop, participants use the Management
by Opportunity tools (all supported by written
hand-outs) to solve a real innovation project selected
by their organization's senior management (action
learning). They will then be able to use these tools
on their own as soon as they identify an opportunity.
- At the end of the workshop, participants are encouraged
to select innovation opportunities in their area of
expertise and seize them, provided they fit the overall
mission of their organization. Those who have decided
to pursue such an opportunity could, if they request
it and provided management supports it, get individual
- Practical and easy-to-use creativity techniques
can also be taught during the workshop to give participants
those tools necessary to find innovative solutions,
which can be used in their daily work.
- In order to integrate the human dimension when
launching innovation projects (if time permits), tools
to improve communication, interpersonal skills and
teamwork can also be introduced.
Raphaël H Cohen, PhD. is the CEO
of a Swiss-based international group of companies, including
several start-ups. His working experience on 3 continents
led him to develop expertise in strategic analysis and
business development, management, negotiation, HR, coaching
and mentoring, financial engineering, legal affairs
(intl. taxation, licensing, real estate, M&A, etc.),
asset management, turning-around businesses, interim
and crisis management.
As active CEO and business angel, he brings his hands-on
experience in his lecturing and consulting activities
providing coaching and management services to senior
executives, directors and entrepreneurs. He serves on
the board of several companies and is a regular contributor
for several business publications. He is currently writing
a book on "Innovation by Opportunity".
In addition to his lecturing and teaching activities,
he designed and manages the University of Geneva Certificate
of Continuous Education in Entrepreneurship, which leads
to an Executive MBA in Entrepreneurship, as well as
the management skills education program for physicians
and executives at HUG (the Geneva University Hospitals).
He has, until 2002, managed the first four CREATE courses
of Entrepreneurship at both University of Geneva and
EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) designed
for engineers and scientists.
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