Fun room and jokes

Because we work hard, we aslo play hard. This is why we enjoy humor and teach with humor, but we also share humor.

(some samples are available below)

To receive our free selection of jokes by email, you can subscribe to our free mailing-list with the form below.

Opting-out is as easy and straightforward as opting-in.

FILL-IN ONE FORM BELOW FOR EACH LIST (repeat the process for more than one list)

All-Basics  – to receive ALL selected jokes in ENGLISH (including the Best-Basics below) but WITHOUT Jewish humor (which requires some knowledge of Jewish culture).
Best-Basics – to ONLY receive our selection of the BEST JOKES in ENGLISH but without Jewish humor.
All-Jewish  – to receive ALL JEWISH jokes in English or French (including the Best-Jewish below).
Best-Jewish – to receive ONLY the BEST Jewish jokes in English or French.
All-French – to receive all jokes and videos in FRENCH (without Jewish humor).

    Samples of jokes

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    How it works


    Our Joke subscription is compliant with GRDP.

    By subscribing (opt-in) you will receive a selection of jokes (not more than a few per week). The messages will be emailed by We verify, to the extent that we can, with a robust antivirus software, that they are virus-free.

    This service is free of charge and you can opy-out at any time (also free of charge!). This mailing list will only be used to send humor-related email and will not be used to send any spam. The quality of the jokes is not guaranteed. Most are decent, some are not and some adult ones are just indecent! But at the very least they are entertaining.

    We only forward jokes that we find entertaining. As humor is personal you may not love them all, but our objective is to make you smile as often as possible. All resemblance to real people or organizations is purely coincidental and (almost) always unintended. Most jokes include a stereotype or discriminatory factor, which goes not reflect our opinion. We apologize to those who feel offended and suggest that they replace one ethnic “victim” group by another.

    We need your contributions. Feel free to send jokes that you like to As we try to avoid sending the same joke twice, we only forward to the distribution list those that have not already been sent in the past.

    The only information we store are your email address and the I.P. address that you have used to opt-in (as proof that you did opt-in). Nothing else! To register (free of charge), enter you email address in the list that suits you. We only use your email address to send you jokes and nothing else. We also do not share your email address with anyone else.


    A team of independent, seasoned experts in executive education who all have in common extensive experience as:

    Entrepreneurs | Intrapreneurs | CEOs | Company Executives


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